Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Links from Lesson Presentations

Virtual Worlds -  http://www.nasarealworldinworld.org/Winners.aspx

Likelihood - lightening, lotteries, meteors, 

Pineal gland in humans and oher animals - http://www.crystalinks.com/pinealcolors.gif

Rt 95  follows the fall line - Little Falls - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pr8F85twAM

vimeo - Alison - http://vimeo.com/15523599

7 Deadly Sins - 

Wisconsin Fast Plants - http://www.fastplants.org/life_cycle/

Agenda - last class

1. Using Tables
2. Work Time
3. Lesson Presentations (volunteer order)
4. Wrap-Up and Goodbyes

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tonight's Agenda

A.  Presentations of Technologies and Digital Stories
B.  Creating Rubrics - template
C.  Tools for Creating Mobile Apps
D.  Mini-Conferences / Work Time
E.  Grading Discussion Follow-Up
F.  Lesson Plan Presentations Part 1 (for those who are ready)
G.  Work Time continued

For early finishers:
1. Create a rubric for your summative assessment
2. Create a LinkedIn profile;
3. Develop an online resume;
4. Convert your resume to a Curriculum Vita - Jim's sample
5. Design and/or Build an App
6. Work on three technologies for July 31

Weather Outlook

Give yourself extra time to get to class safely.  And let me remind you of our policy:  If you don't feel safe, don't come.

Update this RADAR image here and click Composite Loop.

An Introduction to Technical Education

Click on this link to the Virginia CTE Resource Center and then explore the menu on the left.  In each "cluster", you'll find a surprising collection of courses listed for grades 6-12.  When you click on the hyperlinked courses, you'll see the list of competencies for each.  Competencies are similar in function to standards of learning, but the competencies are focused on what students can do.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflective Writing for July 24

Discuss the role of grades in education.  Be free in how you answer, but if you are looking for direction, consider these topics that interest me:  

a.  Are grades generally used for positive or negative reinforcement, and are there strategies that would be interpreted the same way by all students?  

b. How should projects that are student-specific be graded?

c. How should groupwork be graded?

d.  Are you more comfortable being graded by a standard (teacher’s grade) or your own expectations?


e. Any component of grading that interests you (which would likely, by default, interest me).

Tonight's Presentations Order

  1. Patty
  2. Liz
  3. Amanda
  4. Alison
  5. Amber
  6. Maria
  7. Allie
  8. Jen
  9. Sarah
  10. Sam
  11. Jessica
  12. Katie
  13. Andrea
  14. Suzanne
  15. Jim

Power Searching with Google

Google has an online course with Daniel Russell to master searching strategies.



NASA eClips for K-5

NASA eClips are designed to be engaging for the intended audience, and particularly good for a lesson "hook".  Teacher resources (lesson plans) are available for most.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Submitted Items Awaiting Review

Please use this short form to help me find and address everything you've submitted since our last meeting on June 20.

Educational moments: Online weather resources

NOAA Weather - LINK
NOAA Radar (Looping) - LINK
Weather Underground (and weather stickers)- LINK
Weather Underground - Hourly - LINK
NOAA Graphical Forecasts - LINK
NOAA River levels - LINK

Davis Weather Stations for your school - LINK
Davis Weather Education (Lesson Plans, etc.) - LINK
NOAA Education Resources - LINK