Friday, August 24, 2012

Science textbooks - teacher editions

While rearranging my home office I found another stash of science textbooks.  Most are biology, with a few physics, chemistry and earth science.  I thought I'd offer to you all before I published a notice on Craigslist.

Many / most are teacher editions, and of course they're all free to a good home.

I'm in Clarendon at 1615 N. Cleveland St.  Call first so I don't miss you or in case they're already snagged (I have many more in my VT Falls Church office too, and the VT semester there begins on Monday.

I also have a few science posters - sharks, mushrooms, other fish.

Jim   703-599-3643

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Learn to Code (free online resources)

I missed seeing you all this week.

If you're curious about learning a programming language then you're in luck: there's no shortage of resources for learning how to code online. University-level courses, tutorials, cheat sheets, and coding communities all offer excellent ways to pick up a new language.  Read on, and you'll discover 50 great places to learn how to code, for free, online.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to find free wifi (a perfectly good scrabble word, btw)

As prices continue to drop on E-readers, tablets, iPhones, and other electronic devices that allow people to access the internet with more ease than a traditional laptop or computer, more and more people are buying them.  The influx in people owning these devices creates a need for places where you can use them, however many places don’t offer free WiFi.  And while you could buy the devices that allow you to access the Internet, they can end up being pretty costly.  So now that you have your new tablet how do you find out who offers free WiFi hot spots?  Check out the following 10 great spots to find a WiFi Hot Spot.
(See the list here.)