Friday, October 19, 2012

Field trip on Saturday, October 20?

I was glad to hear from so many of you this week. I thought I'd offer to invite you on a field trip with my Virginia Tech class on Saturday morning from 9am to 12 noon.   We regularly have guests, so don't worry about blending in.

From my Fall course blog: This is just a reminder that tomorrow we'll be exploring the fall line of the Potomac, walking from Chain Bridge upstream to Lock 6, where the U.S. Whitewater team has modified the old feeder canal built by George Washington's Patowmack Canal Company.

Note that we'll be parking in the neighborhood way up the hill from the bridge.  Give yourself extra time - streets in that area are a little tricky.

Fall Line / Urban Stream CorridorsChain Bridge, Little Falls, Locks 5 & 6


View Larger Map

Friday, August 24, 2012

Science textbooks - teacher editions

While rearranging my home office I found another stash of science textbooks.  Most are biology, with a few physics, chemistry and earth science.  I thought I'd offer to you all before I published a notice on Craigslist.

Many / most are teacher editions, and of course they're all free to a good home.

I'm in Clarendon at 1615 N. Cleveland St.  Call first so I don't miss you or in case they're already snagged (I have many more in my VT Falls Church office too, and the VT semester there begins on Monday.

I also have a few science posters - sharks, mushrooms, other fish.

Jim   703-599-3643

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Learn to Code (free online resources)

I missed seeing you all this week.

If you're curious about learning a programming language then you're in luck: there's no shortage of resources for learning how to code online. University-level courses, tutorials, cheat sheets, and coding communities all offer excellent ways to pick up a new language.  Read on, and you'll discover 50 great places to learn how to code, for free, online.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to find free wifi (a perfectly good scrabble word, btw)

As prices continue to drop on E-readers, tablets, iPhones, and other electronic devices that allow people to access the internet with more ease than a traditional laptop or computer, more and more people are buying them.  The influx in people owning these devices creates a need for places where you can use them, however many places don’t offer free WiFi.  And while you could buy the devices that allow you to access the Internet, they can end up being pretty costly.  So now that you have your new tablet how do you find out who offers free WiFi hot spots?  Check out the following 10 great spots to find a WiFi Hot Spot.
(See the list here.)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Links from Lesson Presentations

Virtual Worlds -

Likelihood - lightening, lotteries, meteors, 

Pineal gland in humans and oher animals -

Rt 95  follows the fall line - Little Falls -

vimeo - Alison -

7 Deadly Sins - 

Wisconsin Fast Plants -

Agenda - last class

1. Using Tables
2. Work Time
3. Lesson Presentations (volunteer order)
4. Wrap-Up and Goodbyes

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tonight's Agenda

A.  Presentations of Technologies and Digital Stories
B.  Creating Rubrics - template
C.  Tools for Creating Mobile Apps
D.  Mini-Conferences / Work Time
E.  Grading Discussion Follow-Up
F.  Lesson Plan Presentations Part 1 (for those who are ready)
G.  Work Time continued

For early finishers:
1. Create a rubric for your summative assessment
2. Create a LinkedIn profile;
3. Develop an online resume;
4. Convert your resume to a Curriculum Vita - Jim's sample
5. Design and/or Build an App
6. Work on three technologies for July 31

Weather Outlook

Give yourself extra time to get to class safely.  And let me remind you of our policy:  If you don't feel safe, don't come.

Update this RADAR image here and click Composite Loop.

An Introduction to Technical Education

Click on this link to the Virginia CTE Resource Center and then explore the menu on the left.  In each "cluster", you'll find a surprising collection of courses listed for grades 6-12.  When you click on the hyperlinked courses, you'll see the list of competencies for each.  Competencies are similar in function to standards of learning, but the competencies are focused on what students can do.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reflective Writing for July 24

Discuss the role of grades in education.  Be free in how you answer, but if you are looking for direction, consider these topics that interest me:  

a.  Are grades generally used for positive or negative reinforcement, and are there strategies that would be interpreted the same way by all students?  

b. How should projects that are student-specific be graded?

c. How should groupwork be graded?

d.  Are you more comfortable being graded by a standard (teacher’s grade) or your own expectations?


e. Any component of grading that interests you (which would likely, by default, interest me).

Tonight's Presentations Order

  1. Patty
  2. Liz
  3. Amanda
  4. Alison
  5. Amber
  6. Maria
  7. Allie
  8. Jen
  9. Sarah
  10. Sam
  11. Jessica
  12. Katie
  13. Andrea
  14. Suzanne
  15. Jim

Power Searching with Google

Google has an online course with Daniel Russell to master searching strategies.


NASA eClips for K-5

NASA eClips are designed to be engaging for the intended audience, and particularly good for a lesson "hook".  Teacher resources (lesson plans) are available for most.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Submitted Items Awaiting Review

Please use this short form to help me find and address everything you've submitted since our last meeting on June 20.

Educational moments: Online weather resources

NOAA Weather - LINK
NOAA Radar (Looping) - LINK
Weather Underground (and weather stickers)- LINK
Weather Underground - Hourly - LINK
NOAA Graphical Forecasts - LINK
NOAA River levels - LINK

Davis Weather Stations for your school - LINK
Davis Weather Education (Lesson Plans, etc.) - LINK
NOAA Education Resources - LINK

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tools for Critical Thinking and Skepticism

Relevant to our discussion on Tuesday night, an online article by Alan Henry.

How to Determine If A Controversial Statement Is Scientifically True
(introductory excerpt)
Every day, we're confronted with claims that others present as fact. Some are easily debunked, some are clearly true, and some are particularly difficult to get to the bottom of. So how do you determine if a controversial statement is scientifically true? It can be tricky, but it's not too difficult to get to the truth.
Every internet user has developed a healthy dose of skepticism that keeps us from being duped by things that don't pass the smell test, but it's not enough to just think something might not be true. What if you think the statement might be true and you want to learn more? What if you want to respond to the assertion or engage in conversation but you don't know enough to do so?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Assignments for Tuesday

I've neglected you all this week.  Other than reviewing three new technologies*, the only other assignment was to continue developing your technology-integrated lesson ideas, maybe using the template I offered:

* Remember you are not restricted to the Top 100 slideshare.  Consider also CNET, the Department of Ed Resources, or any other source you find.  (Free is good!)

Touring the labs at the Arlington Career Center (Arlington Public Schools).

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Homesteading Blogs

Homestead Survival Blog
Emergency Preparedness, Homesteading,Wild Food Foraging, Medical Skills,Self-sufficiency,Self-Reliance, Recycling, Canning, Gardening & More.  Facebook page:

Here is another good Homesteading blog that is exclusively on Facebook:

Google Sites Permission

I just checked your web sites.  Only a few of you have your permission set to public or otherwise shared it with me and the rest of the class.

Two options from the Share button when your at your Google Site:

1. Choose Public; or
2.  Paste all of our email addresses in the Share window.

I'll help you with this tonight if you can't figure it.

Tonight's Blog Presentations

  1. Jen
  2. Suzanne
  3. Sam
  4. Amber
  5. Andrea
  6. Alison
  7. Katie
  8. Sarah
  9. Amanda
  10. Patty
  11. Allie
  12. Jim
  13. Liz
  14. Maria
  15. Jessica

Monday, June 11, 2012

Perfect Passwords

I'm sharing  Alexandra Petri's funny blog post on passwords, which will be a topic of discussion on Tuesday night.



After the Linkedin hack, how to pick the most secure password of all time

Paul Sakuma - Associated Press)

The perfectly secure, perfectly memorable password is absolutely pure and rarer than the unicorn. It is like the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth, the philosopher’s stone, or a model that will get users on the Internet to pay for curated content. That is to say, no one has ever found it, and some doubt whether it exists at all.
Recently announced that something like 6.5 million passwords had been hacked. If you have a Linkedin account, you had better act quickly and come up with something secure before your identity gets stolen! Or you could just quit Linkedin. That might be easier. Coming up with a secure password is harder than it sounds. And it sounds hard!

Tips abound, but they are even worse than the problem.

The usual rules for picking a password go something like this: Combine a whole bunch of letters and numbers in the precise order you are least likely to remember. This forces you to write them down on a sticky note somewhere visible in your office, defeating the point entirely. (On the bright side, this makes it easier for the investigators to find out about your extramarital affair if you are ever murdered.)
As XKCD points out, this situation is absurd.

I spent the past several months in prayer and meditation on the subject, and finally inspiration struck. Here are some of the Internet’s top tips for secure passwords — and what to do about them.

    1. Use a combination of alphanumeric characters and symbols that does not depend on actual words.
A Web site billing itself as “Perfect Passwords” suggested this one: BD052EA025643096595CD1A217658B10374242DC59DB397D9088C24DAEAF9059.
 2. Use the first letters of the lyrics of a song that you like. For instance, “Billie Jean is not my lover” becomes “bjinml.”

This assumes a great deal — for instance, that you actually remember the lyrics of the songs you like. I love “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” but for years I thought the lyrics were “Awastuuuka, keratin augh, amakneeler, zindahealer! YAEERGH.” And I am still not convinced that they aren’t.

I also like that new Rihanna song, but lyrically it has little to offer. Here is the main line of the chorus in its entirety: “cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake” (“ccccccccccccccc”).

And if your favorite song is “La Bamba,” you might as well turn in the keys now.

3. Use phrases that speak to you but no one else, like “My ’94 Hyundai Excel Is Blue.”
Look, if you are still driving a ’94 Hyundai Excel, I doubt anyone wants to steal your identity.

4. Mix two memorable words together. They suggest dcoagt.
This is easier if you are dyslexic, I think. I tried this and got whorewantstoseeyou, combining the two familiar words “woe” and “hr wants to see you,” and now HR wants to see me.

5. Don’t use a phrase that is popular or common.
So a good, secure password might be, “That Michael Buble is so edgy” or “I have few qualms about the quality of Fox reporting” or “The Washington Redskins are uniquely competent.”

6. Use your anniversary as a password. “That way, you’ll never forget either!” the people who write this sort of advice say, a little too optimistically, I think.
Who are these people, anyway? You have the sense, reading their advice, that they have beautiful, organized homes and children whose names are good, sturdy, alphanumeric blends, and they seal all their leftovers in carefully labeled plastic containers. They amuse themselves by reciting long strings of numbers and song lyrics to their spouses while sitting in their blue Hyundai Excels. We are not like them.
For most real people, using your anniversary as a password guarantees that you will forget both. “Honey,” you will be forced to say, “I can’t seem to get into our bank accounts.”

“What’s the password?”

“Our anniversary.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Well,” you say. “I think perhaps a malicious time traveler changed the date in my timeline, and I was wondering if you would tell me if it is the same day that I remember?”

This will be the best you can do under pressure, and it is not enough. You’ll wind up on the street without access to funds as someone cries and flings Tupperware containers of leftovers at your head.

7. Use something memorable, like a historical date.
This would be good advice if I had not been in conversations where people asked, with no irony whatsoever, “When was the Compromise of 1850?”

The memorable things are never the things you actually remember. Your anniversary? Your child’s birthday? Of course not. You are too busy remembering all the lyrics to a song about recycling that you were forced to memorize as a small child, or the fact that Michael Fassbender and Zoe Kravitz briefly dated, or anything negative anyone has ever said about you.

And the sad, specific sentences aren’t even unique. At least one other person, Buzzfeed found, has “foreveralone” as a password.

If there is one thing I have learned in all this research, it is that there are memorable passwords and secure passwords, and never the twain shall meet. No, the only thing to do is try to get the sympathy of the hacker. My password is “Pleasesirormadammyidentityisworthlessbutitisallihave8.” (They make you put a number in.)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

TinEye Reverse Image Search

As a former field biologist, friends often ask if I recognize this or that critter.  The one pictured here was new to me.  But after down;loading the photo or copying the URL, I went to and within a minute or two I found the same picture labeled, "Blue Seaslug".  A wikipedia search confirmed it was Glaucus atlanticus.

Location Change - June 12

After reading this - please use the embedded form below acknowledging the change, so I know you're aware!  Click on the map for more details, or directions from your location.

On June 12 we'll meet in an Arlington school building, the Arlington Career Center.  This building is home to many special programs, but also the Governor's STEM Academy in Arlington.  Not only do I want you to see the labs, but I want to give you some experience with a variety of interactive whiteboards.

We may get shuffled around, and we'll begin with a tour of all the special labs and classrooms, but we'll meet initially in Room 114, the Engineering and AutoCAD lab, visible from the front doors.

Parking is free.  The building is connected to the Columbia Pike Branch of the Arlington Public Library, and across from Patrick Henry Elementary, at 816 S. Walter Reed Drive.  If you need any sort of help getting there, indicate that below or in an email to me at  I can meet you at a metro stop and drive you if that's helpful.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Try Dropbox

Google Drive (formerly Google Docs), Dropbox, and iCloud have similar functions.  They provide "cloud" storage for your documents so you can access them from work, school, home, libraries or cybercafe's, and other Internet-connected computers.

Google Drive has the advantage of Google searches within your documents, but Dropbox allows for a very Windows-friendly integration and interface. Both are free up to a specified level of storage.  I use all three: Drive for collaborations and documents I create; Dropbox for MS Office documents shared with me, or when I need the extra formatting abilities of MS Office; and iCloud for iPad / iPod files and syncing those Apple products with iTunes.

Use this link for Dropbox:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Assignments for June 12

Animations and Avatars

Today we'll begin exploring digital representations of your curriculum.

Think of a concept from your curriculum (e.g., metabolism from biology) that you could insert into an animated video or image.

A few tools to consider:

GoAnimate -
MovieStorm - - requires admin rights
Animoto -
Prezi -

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Using Video in Teaching and Learning

You may already be familiar with this widely regarded video by Sir Ken Robinson.  Please watch it (again) from two perspectives:

1. the education messages within; and
2. the utility of the medium for conveying this message.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Using to create QR codes

When you find a link you want to share, like I wanted to share this week's assignments, paste the long URL in the window.  Copy the result, paste it in the location bar in a new tab and add .qr at the end.  Hit return et voila!

becomes  to which you'd add the .qr for, generating this QR code.

Google Doc Useful Keyboard Shortcuts Pt.1

Paragraph Formatting

Normal paragraph  Ctrl+Alt+0

Header style 1        Ctrl+Alt+1
Header style 2        Ctrl+Alt+2
Header style 3        Ctrl+Alt+3
Header style 4        Ctrl+Alt+4
Header style 5        Ctrl+Alt+5
Header style 6        Ctrl+Alt+6

Left alignment        Ctrl+Shift+L
Center alignment Ctrl+Shift+E
Right alignment   Ctrl+Shift+R
Full justify        Ctrl+Shift+J

Numbered list        Ctrl+Shift+7
Bulleted list             Ctrl+Shift+8

Monday, May 28, 2012


Logitech H390
I've been very happy with a low-cost headset from Logitech (under $40) called the USB Headset H390.  In looking for an image for this post, I discovered Amazon sells it much cheaper than Office Depot.  In fact, Amazon sells the better H530 model for less than Office Depot sells the H390.  One caution, neither has the sort of industrial strength you'd want for frequent travel, stuffing into your laptop bag.

No need to buy anything just yet.  In class on Tuesday, we'll talk about how to search, research, buy and recommend technologies.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Google Group created.

You should get an email invitation from Google Groups.  Please accept.  It will contain links for addressing email, and settings for things like email frequency.

Assignments - May 22-28

Assignments - May 22-28 -

1.  Blog Links:  Link your blog to this one. 

2.  Review the Top 100 Education Technology Tools slides from 2011 (from Slideshare).

3.  Pick one (or two or three) technology(ies) to highlight on your blog.  Write a short summary of what it does and how it might be used.  Of course, if you try it and create something, share that too!

4.  Continue to improve the look and functionality of your blog.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This is not us.
Welcome to our blog, showcasing the products of the Marymount ED554 participants as they explore a wide variety of education technologies.